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Allie & Ryan — Minted




Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Our Story

It was the summer of 2016. Allie and Ryan were working in the same office, where they helped prepare kids and adults with autism for life. They noticed each other around the office, whether it was through previous session notes or that one time Allie held the door for Ryan and his sexy guitar.

The plot twist came when they got paired up with a client, whose goal was, literally, to have a good time in public. It honestly was a one-man job, but the people around them sensed the magic that Allie and Ryan had when they were around each other.

When they started working Saturdays together; they would meet in different locations to ride bikes at the park, bowl or hang out downtown in Seaport Village with their client. Driving two cars everytime was in their minds "uneconomical", and they felt that carpooling was the best solution. Shortly after, those 20 minute car rides began to add up with laughter, smiles and lovely conversation.


It was the Saturday that Allie needed to get an oil change, that Ryan saw his opportunity. "Of course I know how to change oil," Ryan said, "...don't spend your money on labor, I'll do it for you."

Ryan does know how to change oil on a car, but Allie's oil drain plug was "stripped" in his words. Oh, and her car was american, but his tools were for asian cars.


4 hours later and 8 trips to O, O, O, O'Reilly's Auto Parts, Ryan hadn't gotten past taking the oil drain plug off. Shame. The sun was starting to set as it got late into the afternoon. Al politely encouraged Ry to not even worry about it, and said she could just go get it done the next day. He's not one to give up so easily, but this time he conceded and took the loss. The cherry on top was that Al felt so bad that he took off the rest of his Saturday afternoon to "change" her oil, she insisted on taking him out to eat at Carnitas Snack Shack to celebrate his valiant effort in trying to change her oil. Plus she was tired and starting to get hangry and didn't want to come off as rude or ungrateful for his hard work/effort.


To him, this was their first date, as they ate and drank until the sun went down. They shared stories of the past and what they thought the future might look like. It was nothing formal, but they got personal fer sure. Their real first date was at Mister A's downtown rooftop restaurant, then walking on a pier in the harbor where he serenaded her with Frank Sinatra and they danced in the moonlight.


After that date, they took many spontaneous trips, took care of their furkid, Harper Jones, they moved in with each other, met each other's thing led to the next and ...BOOM! Here they are almost 5 years later. No matter how big the bed is, she is all up on his side forcing him to the edge of the bed each night and he's bugging her with dad jokes that never end. They're now ready to vow to spend the rest of their lives loving and annoying each other at the same time until they're gray.


The End.